
15th Sunday of Ordinary time.

Fr Americo Santos

Today’s readings remind us of our divine adoption as God’s children and
our call to preach the Good News of Jesus by bearing witness to God’s
love, mercy, and salvation.

The first reading warns us that our witnessing mission will be rejected, just
as it happened to the Old Testament prophets like Amos. Amaziah, the
angry chief priest serving in the Northern Kingdom of Israel at Bethel,
ordered Amos to take his prophesying back to his own country, the
Southern Kingdom of Judah. Amos defended his prophetic role with
courage, clarifying that it was not his decision but God’s to elevate him from
a shepherd and tree-dresser of sycamores to a prophet. Like Amos, we are
chosen by God to become missionaries and to preach the “Good News” in
our lives.

In today’s Gospel, the evangelist tells the story of Jesus commissioning the
twelve apostles to preach the “Good News” of repentance, forgiveness of
sins, liberation, and salvation. Just as God sent the prophet Amos to
preach repentance to Israel, Jesus sent forth the Twelve to proclaim the
Good News of God’s Kingdom and bring healing to those who need it most.
This Gospel shows the instructions Jesus gave the apostles for their first
mission. They will be walking, trusting in God’s love and providence. They
are to preach repentance and conversion and are to perform miracles in
the name of God.

We, too, have a mission: We are called to be disciples and apostles of
Jesus. As disciples, we are to imitate only Jesus. As apostles, we need to
evangelize others through love, mercy, forgiveness, and a spirit of humble
service. We also have the liberating mission of helping to free people from
any slavery of nicotine, alcohol, drugs, gambling, hatred, jealousy, racial
prejudice, racism, and consumerism through the message of love and
forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Peace be with you