
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Fr. Americo Santos

Over one billion Catholics worldwide observe this Sunday as World Mission Sunday. This annual observance was instituted in 1926 by Pope Pius XI’s Papal decree. Every year since then, the Universal Church has dedicated the month of October to reflect on and prayer for all missions in our Church. On World Mission Sunday, Catholics gather to celebrate the Eucharist and contribute to a collection for the work of evangelization worldwide. This collection is for the Church’s mission in general, supporting priests, religious sisters, catechists, seminarians, schools, shelters, Hospitals, and more. Missionaries need financial support to have the tools to evangelize and perform corporal works of mercy in their missions.This annual celebration allows us to be aware in the importance of mission work in the life of the Church and it helps us to remember that our nature is to bring the message of Christ to others. According to Vatican Council II, The Church is “missionary” in its very nature because of its founder, Jesus Christ, who was the first missionary. God the Father sent his Son into the world with a message of love and salvation. Thus, the Church's mission is essentially the announcement of God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, and redemption revealed to humanity through the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.This Sunday also reminds us that we are one with the Church worldwide by continuing Christ's mission. Jesu’s mission unifies us as one Church, guided by the Holy Spirit and led by Pope Francis. Pope Francis’ theme for 2024 World Mission Sunday is rooted in the Gospel of Matthew: “Go and Invite everyone to the Banquet.” This theme reflects the inclusive and urgent call to bring God’s love and salvation to everyone because all are invited, welcomed, and accepted to participate in the Eucharist and in all Sacraments in the Church. The Church and its sacraments do not exclude people so that nobody can be excluded from Jesus’s love and salvation. The Mass is the Sacrament that unites as one Body, which has Christ as head.

How can we be part of this mission on Sunday?

In addition to praying and providing financial support for this cause, we can try to live an exemplary and transparent Christian life. It is not easy to have a good Christian life, but if we try to be better people at least every day, we will do our part and evangelize with our lives.

My brothers and sisters let us join the Church's universal mission of spreading the Gospel and inviting all to experience the joy of Christ’s salvation. Amen

Peace be with you,

Fr. Americo Santos