
The Epiphany of the Lord

Fr. Americo Santos

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The Epiphany celebrates the many ways Jesus has revealed himself to us and our world. These include the three events that reveal His mission and divinity: the visitation of the three kings or Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the miracle at Cana.

This Sunday presents us with the day when the three kings brought Jesus very costly and symbolic gifts of gold, myrrh, and frankincense. The term Epiphany is of Greek origin, epiphaninen. It is a verb that means “to reveal” or “to manifest.” we must learn and imitate the wise kings. We must continue to follow the star and light that Christ shows us. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived or distracted on our journey by the many Herods of this world. God reveals himself to us this Sunday because He is good and loving every day. He illuminates our way and life with His presence. God is good and always with us. Trusting that Christ will not mislead us, we must watch for His star to guide us to eternity.

Happy three Kings Day…


Peace be with you,

Fr. Americo



Pilgrimage to Lourdes & Fatima

with Fr. Steven Restrepo & Fr. J. Americo Santos
Sep 14-24, 2026

Introduce yourself to the absolute best of Fatima, Lourdes, and Spain. This grace-filled pilgrimage will bring you ever closer to Christ as you visit famous and holy sites along with your fellow pilgrims; experiencing a deep dive into rich history and stunning art, with amazing food along the way.

Itinerary & Pilgrimage Details